Learn from talented botanical artists how to create your own masterpiece using various media, ranging from watercolor, acrylic, charcoal, plant pressings, and much more. These classes span multiple days or weeks and may be purchasable as entire series or depending on the series, as individual days.
From environmental science activities to outdoor wellness classes, these programs are designed to connect you with nature and provide a deeper understanding about the world around you. These classes span multiple days or weeks and may be purchasable as entire series or depending on the series, as individual days.
Learn from talented botanical artists how to create your own masterpiece using various media, ranging from watercolor, acrylic, charcoal, plant pressings, and much more. These classes span multiple days or weeks and may be purchasable as entire series or depending on the series, as individual days.
From environmental science activities to outdoor wellness classes, these programs are designed to connect you with nature and provide a deeper understanding about the world around you. These classes span multiple days or weeks and may be purchasable as entire series or depending on the series, as individual days.